Any new parent will tell you that having a baby can turn your world upside down. Caring for a tiny person with anti-social sleeping patterns and an aptitude for crying can feel like a lot to deal with. And when you finally think you’ve got it cracked, it’s time for weaning, and worrying about things like whether your baby will like broccoli.
However, sharing the ups and downs of the journey can make things feel a little less daunting. So when Heinz Baby engaged us to build their Facebook identity, strategy and content, that’s what we focused on – sharing.
Social media is very real for new parents. It’s a 24-hour lifeline to a community that truly gets them, one with the same experiences. In fact, a recent study shows that more than 90%* of new parents found social media "somewhat to extremely helpful to their parenting."
"Social media is where parents go to share mutual worries and triumphs, and have an honest chat about children."
Heinz Baby is a well-established range of food and drink for babies from weaning age (4-6 months) onwards. Inspired by parents, the range has been developed to be as close to homemade as possible. More importantly, it comes from a brand with lots of experience in helping people deal with the everyday. We took that sentiment, combined it with social insight, and turned it into a very real proposition:.
"We would create a home for the realities of being a parent - and one that showed the fun side of it."
After establishing this as our mission, we started planning and creating content that would make parents go “that’s so true”, give them a little motivational boost, spark conversations and most importantly, entertain.
What we did
We’re very proud to have taken Heinz Baby’s Facebook presence from first steps of strategy to flourishing family, through planning, content and community management. Here’s more on how it all came together:
Working with the team at KraftHeinz, we developed a Facebook-based social media engagement plan to drive awareness and affinity. To reach as much of the target demographic as possible, we centred the strategy on promoting content through boosted posts, coupled with engaging content to encourage interaction. Boosting posts also helped us reach fresh users each month, putting Heinz Baby on the radar in important decision-making moments.

We built on the brand’s existing look to create something lively and colourful, and gave it a voice that was equal parts caring, fun and supportive. On the back of that, we came up with a range of content "silos", each with their own objectives, to create a mix of informative, funny, product and motivational posts. We steered clear of content that might be seen as lecturing or patronising, and made sure users viewed the brand as more of a trusted friend. We gave them the opportunity to smile, say “oh my child just did that too!” and share stories.

We made it a priority to interact frequently with our users, not just through likes, but also meaningful comments that celebrated (or commiserated) with them and started a dialogue. Naturally, our strategy also meant speedy replies to assist and advise customers with any product or weaning queries, together with the team at KraftHeinz.

The Finale
The true value of a Facebook community doesn’t come from its size, but its engagement – though we’re still proud to have watched Heinz Baby FB go from infancy to over 20,000 users! Our content consistently creates high levels of interaction, with each post averaging 600+ likes, +100 comments and shares. That number also includes a viral post that rocketed all the way to 7500 likes. More importantly, by celebrating the fun side of weaning, it’s become a place where parents can chat with other parents and share photos and happy moments, we’ve created a loyal family that’s more likely to look for the brand in store.
